A Happy Life or a Meaningful Life?
A majority of people generally say they want a happy life. A majority of people also say they want to become parents at some point. The trouble is, according to nearly every study ever performed on the matter, becoming a parent reduces happiness and marital...
The Cutting Edge: 5 New Psychological Discoveries
Hot off the presses this week: 1) Jealousy Makes Us View Ourselves as More Like Our Rivals Three new studies by Erica Slotter of Villanova University (and her colleagues) came out today in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. We already know that the way we...
Quora Questions: Overcoming Procrastination
While trolling through Quora, I came across a question that I have asked myself over and over: “How do I get over my bad habit of procrastinating?” The first answer to this question caught my eye. It was written by Oliver Emberton, who keeps a blog called...
Just How Squishy is Social Science?
I find psychology and sociology generally fascinating, and part of that fascination extends to just how full of holes these fields are. I believe that one of the largest parts about understanding any area of knowledge is to understand the limits of that area. Just...