Advertising and Marketing
There are two very noticeable constants that connect the 60’s advertising world of Mad Men to the modern ad agency: 1) the actual agency names, which are mostly still around, and 2) the permissibility of flagrant and often pejorative stereotyping as a means of...
Advertising and Marketing, Social Psychology
Here are the top ten timeless advertising lessons we can all learn from Mad Men’s Don Draper: 10. Something “new” creates an itch. “This old pro, a copywriter, a Greek named Teddy, told me the most important thing in advertising is...
Advertising and Marketing
I was cruising through one of my new favorite blogs: the Inner Circle blog on, and found a great post featuring a video by Malcolm Gladwell. Gladwell, author of bestsellers Blink, The Tipping Point, and Outliers, most recently published What The Dog...
Advertising and Marketing
The Maloney on Marketing blog comes up with a lot of insightful information. I always learn something new and important. I think that has to do with the author’s love for Malcolm Gladwell, and authors who take Gladwell as their inspiration. When you dig below...
Acting and Performance, Advertising and Marketing, Johnstone - Status Transactions, Social Psychology
Now that I’m finally done with the Cialdini posts, I’m free to do what bloggers are supposed to do: re-blog other people’s stuff. You know, in the hopes that their cool insights will somehow make me cool by association. I wanted to do a post on the...
Advertising and Marketing, Cialdini - Weapons of Influence, Status and Prestige
So far in this six-part article, we’ve covered five of Dr. Robert Cialdini’s six “Weapons of Influence”: Reciprocity, Commitment/Consistency, Social Proof, Liking, and Authority. Now for the sixth and final weapon, the one that may have the most viscerally powerful...