Advertising and Marketing, Cialdini - Weapons of Influence, Status and Prestige
So far in this six-part article, we’ve covered five of Dr. Robert Cialdini’s six “Weapons of Influence”: Reciprocity, Commitment/Consistency, Social Proof, Liking, and Authority. Now for the sixth and final weapon, the one that may have the most viscerally powerful...
Advertising and Marketing, Cialdini - Weapons of Influence, Johnstone - Status Transactions, Status and Prestige
So far in this six-part article, we’ve covered four of Dr. Robert Cialdini’s six “Weapons of Influence”: Reciprocity, Commitment/Consistency, Social Proof, and Liking. Now it’s time to talk about the weapon that really scares me…”Authority.”...
Acting and Performance, Advertising and Marketing, Cialdini - Weapons of Influence, Johnstone - Status Transactions, Status and Prestige
So far in this six-part article, we’ve covered three of Dr. Robert Cialdini’s six “weapons of influence”: Reciprocity, Commitment/Consistency, and Social Proof. The next weapon is, in my opinion, the most powerful and psychologically...
Advertising and Marketing, Cialdini - Weapons of Influence, Johnstone - Status Transactions, Status and Prestige
So far in this six-part article, we’ve covered two of Dr. Robert Cialdini’s six “weapons of influence”: Reciprocity and Commitment/Consistency. Time to move forward with the next weapon, which is incredibly useful, especially in marketing and...
Johnstone - Status Transactions, Status and Prestige
About ten years ago, Mark Leary and his colleagues turned the idea of self-esteem on its head. His ideas explain a ton of human behavior that could not formerly be explained any other way. When I was in school, they were just starting to figure out that there was a...
Johnstone - Status Transactions, Status and Prestige
When I introduced Johnstone’s concept of the Status Transaction, I suggested that the status hierarchy came from evolutionary biology, and that humans were similar to other animals that operated in packs and had a discernible “pecking order.” This...