Social Psychology, Status and Prestige
In 2011, 480 business management undergrads at Notre Dame participated in a study in which they were to play the role of HR managers. They were assigned randomly to examine either eight male or eight female entry-level candidate descriptions and determine which of the...
Advertising and Marketing, Cialdini - Weapons of Influence, Johnstone - Status Transactions, Social Psychology, Status and Prestige
I’m always excited when science finally catches up with marketing. A man walks into a sociologist’s office, and is asked to write a short essay highlighting his healthy life habits. He does so. Afterwards, he’s offered a choice of two small rewards...
Social Psychology, Stress and Pressure
Earlier this year, I’d been having trouble sleeping. Especially so on class nights, when I’d get home late and still feel energized and wound up. A friend of mine gave me a sleep CD (thank you for that, by the way) which, after several weeks of...
Social Psychology, Acting and Performance, Leadership, Public Speaking, Stress and Pressure
Some years ago, a Princeton psychologist named Sam Glucksberg brought a group of test subjects into a room. In the room was a table positioned against a wall. On the table was a book of matches, a box of thumbtacks, and a candle. “Your job,” Glucksberg...
Leadership, Social Psychology
“Do what you’re good at.” “Do what you love.” “Do what you would do for free.” Is there anybody reading this who found this kind of career advice as utterly useless as I did? For a variety of reasons, some of us don’t...