Social Psychology, Acting and Performance, Leadership, Public Speaking, Stress and Pressure
Some years ago, a Princeton psychologist named Sam Glucksberg brought a group of test subjects into a room. In the room was a table positioned against a wall. On the table was a book of matches, a box of thumbtacks, and a candle. “Your job,” Glucksberg...
Leadership, Social Psychology
“Do what you’re good at.” “Do what you love.” “Do what you would do for free.” Is there anybody reading this who found this kind of career advice as utterly useless as I did? For a variety of reasons, some of us don’t...
Advertising and Marketing, Leadership
In my most recent MBA class on leadership, we covered generational differences. We learned that there are certain workplace-related traits that can be ascribed to Baby Boomers, for example, that is not a part of the Gen-X or Gen-Y experience. As a leader, one may...
Johnstone - Status Transactions, Leadership
“Toughness” is an adjective that gets thrown around a great deal, particularly in politics. Many public figures go out of their way to associate themselves with “tough,” “independent” stances and hard-line foreign policy, and each...
Leadership, Cialdini - Weapons of Influence
The Hay Group is a management consulting firm that does its own research into motivation strategies and produces self-assessment materials for students and clients. I recently took one of their assessments for an MBA class on leadership strategies. The assessment was...